Would you like to become more active in TAPL and AAPL?  TAPL is looking for at least two (2) TAPL members who are willing to be nominated for the position of AAPL Director, which is a two year commitment.  Pursuant to TAPL By-Laws, the membership will vote to elect its new Director in February of 2008.  The newly elected Director will take office effective June 30, 2008 and will automatically be a member of the TAPL Executive Committee for a two year term.  The Executive Committee is the governing body of the TAPL, responsible for determination of elegibility of members, supervision of finances, planning of regular meetings, educational seminars, etc.
The duties of the Director include, but are not limited to, 1) attending each AAPL Quarterly Board Meeting, 2) providing the TAPL membership with a written report of the business conducted at the AAPL Quarterly Board Meeting and 3) being a liaison between TAPL and AAPL for any concerns or issues that TAPL would like to see addressed.  To be qualified to serve as AAPL Director, you must have been an Active Member of TAPL and AAPL for at least one year prior to election as Director.
If you would like to have your name included on the February ballot, please let me know via email at mike.watanabe@questar.com on or before January 31, 2008.  Debi Langley is our current AAPL Director so feel free to also contact her should you wish to discuss the position in more detail.  This is a great opportunity to be more involved and I hope you will give it consideration.