Thursday, April 11 2019

6 PM - 8:50 PM
Thursday, Apr 11, 2019 6 p.m.
Special Event

TAPL is proud to present "The Iron Orchard", a private screening of the critically acclaimed film by Ty Roberts on Thursday April 11, 2019.
The film - shot in Midland, Big Spring, Austin and Gail (between Lubbock and Midland) portrays a dramatic, gritty, but honest and realistic depiction of our industry; set in the 1930's West Texas oil patch.
Tickets will be available to TAPL members and their families and friends at no cost!!
There will be a bar (two free drinks per attendee), and limited concessions, popcorn, and other snacks available for purchase.
Also, following the conclusion of the film, there will be a live Skype Q&A with the lead Actor (Lane Garrison) and Producer (Camille Scioli Chambers).
Doors Open: 
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Movie Starts: 
Post Film Skype Q&A: 
 "The Iron Orchard" (Rated R) is the story of Jim McNeely (Lane Garrison), a young man thrust into the vibrant and brutal West Texas oilfields in 1939, who works his way through the ranks to ultimately become a formidable wildcatter. This film was featured in AAPL's "Landman" magazine, and had a screening at NAPE, earlier this year.
CLICK HERE for a full summary of the film.


 This Event is presented by: