Our regular AAPL Board member, Debi Langley, was not able to go, so I sat in for her as a substitute director for TAPL at the last AAPL Quarterly Board meeting on December 2, 2007 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The following is a report on that meeting to the TAPL members.
Certification Proposed Changes – No Changes 
The main subject of discussion at the meeting was the proposed revisions to the AAPL Certification Program.  In a desire to position AAPL and its associations to be able to deal with what is perceived to be potential state-licensing for Landmen, the National Certification Committee had recommended that continuing education credits be done on an annual basis like other state-certified professions. 

After much debate, the bottom line is the proposed revisions did not pass.  While the topic took up most of the time at the Board meeting, the vote did not have the 2/3rds majority needed for the change.  Until some impending state licensing in either Oklahoma or Texas is eminent, it was seen by those in the know on the subject in attendance that the issue is dead for now and will not come up until state licensing rears its head.

AAPL Financials 
As has been the case lately, mainly due to the two NAPE shows, AAPL has a lot of money that is going into the coffers and is in fine fiscal shape.  The balance sheet comparison from September ‘06 to ’07 show almost $2 MM more  in assets, now at $9,460,366.00 which is up  25% from last year.
The next North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) is scheduled for February 7th and 8th, 2008, and based on pre show booth sales being 20% ahead of last year, it appears that it will be bigger than ever.  The pre-registration discount date is past, but pre-registration is open until January 25th online at the AAPL NAPE Website if you don’t want to stand in a long line.

New Affiliate 

AAPL voted to affiliate with a new Landman’s association that is called the Central Arkansas Landman’s Association which is centered in Conway, Arkansas, in the middle of the Fayetteville Shale play.  It has 116 members.  If you work that play and want to join, contact Bernie Ulincy.

AAPL Education and Member Count

AAPL has presented a record number of educational sessions this year with over 32 events and 3200 members attending them.  The membership is growing rapidly.  We have picked up 1,239 members just since April, and total membership is now around 9,390

AAPL Annual Report

All AAPL members have been mailed the annual report.  It has all the details about what I have touched on here insofar as financials, members, committees, etc.  If you have any other questions about the quarterly meeting, please call or send me an email.